Page last updated Wed 05 Feb 2020


Use the links to navigate the hierarchy of invertebrate classification.

  "group" Architaenioglossa

Superfamily Cyclophoroidea (operculate land snails)

    Family Aciculidae
    Family Cochlostomatidae
    Family Craspedopomatidae
    Family Cyclophoridae
    Family Diplommatinidae
    Family Ferussinidae
    Family Liareidae
    Family Maizaniidae
    Family Megalomastomatidae
    Family Neocyclotidae
    Family Poteriidae
    Family Pupinidae

Taxon Information

The Superfamily Cyclophoroidea is not recorded from fresh waters. This taxon has not been reported from North America.

(These statements were generated automatically from the WInvertebrates database.)

Web Pages

Site managed by Daniel L. Graf @ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point