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Subfamily Mylonchulinae
Genus Mylonchulus (+ Pakmylonchulus, + Paramylonchulus)
Species M. agilis
Species M. amurus
Species M. ananasi
Species M. andrassyi
Species M. apapillatus
Species M. arenicolus
Species M. boveyi
Species M. brachyuris
Species M. brassicus
Species M. brevicaudatus
Species M. caespitosus
Species M. californicus
Species M. cassicus
Species M. cavensis
Species M. curvicaudatus
Species M. doliolarius
Species M. gigas
Species M. hawaiiensis
Species M. hortulanus
Species M. incurvus
Species M. index
Species M. indicus
Species M. indistinctus
Species M. inflatus
Species M. insolitus
Species M. japanicus
Species M. kaszabi
Species M. lacustris
Species M. longisacculus
Species M. longus
Species M. mashhoodi
Species M. micrurus
Species M. minor
Species M. mulveyi
Species M. nainitalensis
Species M. neocontractus
Species M. noreasus
Species M. obliquus
Species M. obtusicaudatus
Species M. oceanicus
Species M. orbitus
Species M. oregonensis
Species M. orientalis
Species M. paitensis
Species M. parabrachyuris
Species M. paracontractus
Species M. paraindex
Species M. politus
Species M. polonicus
Species M. rotundicaudatus
Species M. sarmini
Species M. sexcristatus
Species M. sigmaturellus
Species M. sigmaturus
Species M. silvaticus
Species M. solus
Species M. striatus
Species M. subsimilis
Species M. subtenuis
Species M. ubis
Species M. vasis
Species M. vulvalatus
Species M. vulvapapillatus
Species M. williamsi
Taxon Information
The Genus Mylonchulus has been reported (or is assumed) to occur in fresh waters. This taxon has been reported from North America.
(These statements were generated automatically from the WInvertebrates database.)
Literature Records
- Mylonchulus, (De Ley et al., 2006).
- Mylonchulus, [eastern North America] (Ferris et al., 1973).
- Mylonchulus, (Chitwood & Allen, 1959).
- De Ley, P., W. Decraemer & Eualem-Abebe. 2006. Introduction: Summary of present knowledge and research addressing the ecology and taxonomy of freshwater nematodes. [in] Eualem-Abebe et al. (eds.). Freshwater Nematodes: Ecology and Taxonomy: 3-30.
- Ferris, V.R., L.M. Ferris, & J.P. Tjepkema. 1973. Genera of freshwater nematodes (Nematoda) of eastern North America. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 10. 38 pp. [Available online]
- Chitwood, B.G. & M.W. Allen. 1959. Nemata. [in] W.T. Edmondson (ed.). Ward & Whipple Fresh-Water Biology, 2nd edition: 368-401.
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