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Genus Nitocra
= Nitokra
Literature Records
- Nitocra, "A large genus with many marine and brackish water, and a few freshwater species. Originally spelledNitokra, but the incorrect subsequent spelling has become established" (Reid & Williamson, 2010).
- Nitocra, "Marine; coastal brackish, fresh waters" (Wilson & Yeatman, 1959).
- Reid, J.W. & C.E. Williamson. 2010. Copepoda. [in] J.H. Thorp & A.P. Covich (eds.). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates, 3rd edition: 829-899.
- Wilson, M.S. & H.C. Yeatman. 1959. Free-Living Copepoda. [in] W.T. Edmondson (ed.). Ward & Whipple Fresh-Water Biology, 2nd edition: 735-861.
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