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Superfamily Truncatelloidea
Family Bithyniidae (+ Bulimidae)
Genus Bithynia -- Wisconsin!
Genus Alocinna
Genus Boreoelona
Genus Congodoma
Genus Digoniostoma
Genus Funduella
Genus Gabbia
Genus Gabbiella
Genus Hydrobioides
Genus Incertihydrobia
Genus Jubaia
Genus Limnitesta
Genus Myosorella
Genus Neumayria
Genus Parafossarulus
Genus Pseudobithynia
Genus Pseudovivipara
Genus Sierraia
Genus Tylopoma
Genus Wattebledia
Taxon Information
The Family Bithyniidae has been reported (or is assumed) to occur in fresh waters. This taxon has been reported from Wisconsin.
(These statements were generated automatically from the WInvertebrates database.)
Literature Records
- Bithyniidae, [North America] (Brown & Lydeard, 2010).
- Bithyniidae, [Palearctic, Afrotropical, Oriental, Australasian, Pacific; 130 species worldwide] (Strong et al., 2008).
- Bithyniidae, 1 introduced species, widespread in St. Lawrence River system and adjacent drainages connected by canals [North America] (Smith, 2001).
- Bulimidae, "Widely distributed over much of [North America]" (Clench, 1959).
- Buliminae, [Wisconsin] (Baker, 1928).
- Brown, K.M. & C. Lydeard. 2010. Mollusca: Gastropoda. [in] J.H. Thorp & A.P. Covich (eds.). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates, 3rd edition: 277-307.
- Strong, E.E., O. Gargominy, W.F. Ponder & P. Bouchet. 2008. Global diversity of gastropods (Gastropoda; Mollusca) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 149-166. [Available online]
- Smith, D.G. 2001. Mollusca (Gastropods, pelecypods). Pennak's Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States, 4th edition: 327-400.
- Clench, W.J. 1959. Mollusca. [in] W.T. Edmondson (ed.). Ward & Whipple Fresh-Water Biology, 2nd edition: 1117-1160.
- Baker, F.C. 1928. The fresh water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Part I. Gastropoda. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey 70(1): i-xx, 1-507.
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