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Family Bithyniidae
Genus Bithynia (+ Bulimus)
Species B. tentaculata -- Wisconsin!
Species B. badiella
Species B. boissieri
Species B. candiota
Species B. canyamelensis
Species B. fuchsiana
Species B. graeca
Species B. italica
Species B. kobialkai
Species B. leachii
Species B. longicornis
Species B. majorcina
Species B. manonellesi
Species B. misella
Species B. mostarensis
Species B. nakeae
Species B. pauli
Species B. phialensis
Species B. pseudemmericia
Species B. quintanai
Species B. radomani
Species B. riddifordi
Species B. schwabii
Species B. siamensis
Species B. skadarskii
Species B. troschelii
Species B. walderdorffii
Species B. zeta
Taxon Information
The Genus Bithynia has been reported (or is assumed) to occur in fresh waters. This taxon has been reported from Wisconsin.
(These statements were generated automatically from the WInvertebrates database.)
Literature Records
- Bithynia, "Wisconsin to Pennsylvania and New York" (Brown & Lydeard, 2010).
- Bithynia, 1 introduced species, widespread in St. Lawrence River system and adjacent drainages connected by canals [North America] (Smith, 2001).
- Bulimus, "A single species, occurring from the Hudson River in N.Y., west to Ill. and north into Ontario" (Clench, 1959).
- Bulimus, [Wisconsin] (Baker, 1928).
- Brown, K.M. & C. Lydeard. 2010. Mollusca: Gastropoda. [in] J.H. Thorp & A.P. Covich (eds.). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates, 3rd edition: 277-307.
- Smith, D.G. 2001. Mollusca (Gastropods, pelecypods). Pennak's Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States, 4th edition: 327-400.
- Clench, W.J. 1959. Mollusca. [in] W.T. Edmondson (ed.). Ward & Whipple Fresh-Water Biology, 2nd edition: 1117-1160.
- Baker, F.C. 1928. The fresh water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Part I. Gastropoda. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey 70(1): i-xx, 1-507.
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