WInvertebrates Contributors
 Dr. Graf sampling amphipods in the Tomorrow River.
This site is managed by Dr. Daniel L. Graf of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Dr. Graf is responsible for all coding, database development and web site design, as well as the bulk of the data entry.
Richard Mahoney (UWSP student) pioneered the system for student data entry during the Spring Term of 2014. Click here to see his poster at the College of Letters and Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. Richard continued working on the project during Fall 2014, and Shellby Wollin (UWSP student) made substantial contributions during Spring 2015. Click here for a look at a poster on their contributions to the project.
Daphne L. Graf (P.J. Jacobs Junior High, Stevens Point, WI) has volunteered her time and expertise to wrangling data on the Rotifera and Ostracoda. Click here to see her introductory essay on the subject.
Various UWSP students have contributed essays on invertebrate zoology as part of their course work.
- "Alternation of Generation and Exceptions in Cnidaria" by Margaret Armstrong (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Diversity of the Order Amphipoda (Suborder Gammaridea) in Wisconsin" by Chris Arrowood (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Oligochaeta: Biological Indicators" by Sheila Behling (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Porifera in Wisconsin" by Victoria Bertolami (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Ecological and Economic Impacts of Freshwater Cnidarians" by Eric Brandt (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Dormancy Strategies in Tardigrades" by Crystal Buchholtz (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Orconectes rusticus (Rusty Crayfish), an invasive species in the native waters of Wisconsin" by Austin Cumber (BIOL 490, Fall 2014)
- "Hirudo medicinalis: The Revival of the Medicinal Leech" by Lindsey DeVault (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "The Rusty Crayfish" by Thomas Farley (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Nemertea and their feeding processes through use of the proboscis" by Matthew Feltes (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Life Cycle of Freshwater Jellyfish: Craspedacusta sowerbyi" by Sarah Francart (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Importance and Life History of Palaemonetes spp." by Ryan Gibson (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Argulus foliaceus: a well-adapted, destructive freshwater fish louse" by Brad Gorzek (BIOL 490, Fall 2014)
- "Cambaridae and Applied Interest of Invasive Introductions" by Amber Honadel (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Survival by Desiccation in Bdelloid Rotifers" by Ben Jeffery (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "The Underwater life of Argyroneta aquatica" by Joel Kaminski (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Hirudo medicinalis and Hirudinaria manillensis feeding physiology and medical use" by Zach Kleemann (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "The Decline of Order Unionoida Bivalves in Wisconsin Due to Dreissenid Introductions" by Hans Klopp (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Rotifers need to eat too!" by AJ Leiden (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Suitability of Terrestrial Tardigrada for Bryophytic Habitats" by Taylor Lockwood (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Eradicating Schistosomiasis at a Snail’s Pace" by Gloria Lorenz (BIOL 490, Fall 2014)
- "Parthenogenesis in populations of Campeloma decisum" by Caitlin M. Luebke (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Manipulative Parasites’ role in Community Composition and Habitat Change: a Closer look at Nematomorpha’s Impact, both Direct and Indirect" by Christopher Paquette (BIOL 490, Fall 2014)
- "Factors Affecting the Viability of Bryozoan Statoblasts" by Anna G. Radke (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Tardigrada Explained" by Laura Van Remortel (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Diversity of Freshwater Subclass Oligochaeta in Wisconsin" by Alyssa Roberts (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "The Wonder of Blood form the Genus Limulus" by Isaiah Robertson (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Biological Control of Mosquitos Through the Implementation of Flatworms" by Collin Rogers (BIOL/WATR 361, Spring 2015)
- "Eudrilus eugeniae and Vermicomposting" by Jessie Ross (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Ecology of Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America" by Josh Schulze (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Feeding habits of Hirudinea" by Andrew Shuster (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Freshwater Pulmonate (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Reproduction" by Rachel Sommer (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2013)
- "Family Unionidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) native to Wisconsin and the Ecology of Non-Threatened or Endangered Species within this Family" by Andrew Teal (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "The Aquatic Oligochaete Tubifex tubifex as a Water Quality Indicator" by Hayley Templar (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)
- "Weird Worms and The Tree of Life: The Relationship of Gastrotricha to Other Metazoan Phyla" by Madalyn Zimbric (BIOL/WATR 361, Fall 2012)